Together, these two pioneers are setting a new standard in retail with a fully integrated solution that enhances efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction.
This collaboration integrates Turnpike's advanced cloud service and wearable technology with Playtech's innovative casino solutions to significantly enhance staff efficiency and customer service.
We are thrilled to announce that Patrik Lundström has joined Turnpike Group as our new Chief Executive Officer.
Swedish Wearable Tech Pioneer Turnpike and Swiss Fully Automatic Coffee Machine Supplier Schaerer Unveil Groundbreaking Partnership
Circle K and Turnpike - Launch collaboration to improve life for Customers & Staff in Europe.
Watch the dialogue between Johan Vannerell/CEO TOMRA Sweden and Turnpike founder Carl Norberg - on the new partnership and the importance of a smoother recycling experience for both staff and customers.
Watch Co-Founder Carl Norberg explain Turnpikes vision and how Turnpike’s solution generates unique retail data points and harnesses AI to empower physical stores to be as smart as e-commerce.
Listen to the conversation between Jonas Borglin/ Turnpike and Linda Pimmeshofer/ Microsoft and Mattias Lindström/ Zebra. The trends, challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing retail world.
Ica Maxi Nynäshamn är första Icabutiken i landet som kopplar upp personalen mot Turnpikes system med hjälp av smarta klockor
ICA Maxi Nynäshamn digitaliserar personalen för personligare möten och bättre drift. Turnpikes Carl Norberg har träffat affärsutvecklaren Patrik Lord Träff och talat om bakgrunden och resultatet.
I ett samarbete med företaget Turnpike Group har Stora Coop Visby ordnat smarta butiksanpassade klockor till personalen. "Det är perfekt.
Stora Coop i Visby fortsätter att bryta ny mark med digitaliseringens möjligheter.
En förbättring av kundresan har varit ledstjärnan i detaljhandelns digitaliseringsresa de senaste åren.
Turnpike tar in 28 MSEK i en ny kapitalrunda som stänger på tisdagen.
In several years from now, when everyone (including your grandma) is familiar enough with a scan and pay solution using their mobile phone, the shopping experience will likely be far more streamlined than it is today. But before that transaction period happens - human assistance is still required.
No one enjoys the loud, fuzzy “clean up on aisle 5” public announcement in stores. Let us present the valuable benefits of smart watches in a shopping environment and how they make stores more efficient and improves customer experience.
I have two corporate heroes, Mr. Jan Carlzon (long-term investor in Turnpike) and Sir Richard Branson (not yet a Turnpike investor). Why are these two people so special in my world? Because they both found the holy grail to extraordinary customer service.
Human interaction is an indispensable part of effective customer service, yet many retailers are failing to recognise this. The success of the retail store depends on making every contact with the customer extraordinary.
The human aspect of physical retail will always be an advantage over e-commerce and according to us most likely the main reason why digital players recently are experiencing challenges in growth in the post-pandemic world.
As the world emerges from the global pandemic, and brick and mortar businesses look at their prospects for growth, it is clear that the retail industry will need to react to long-term, or even permanent changes in consumer shopping habits.
Turnpike closes the loop between a retailer’s digital investment and its most valuable resource – its staff.
There’s way too much guesswork in understanding the impact of one insight to another within the retail industry. For example, does engagement drive sales? Maybe, but if you’re not clarifying the metrics that drive core business objectives, how are you going to transform assumptions into actionable info?
Den svenska satsningen har efter ett antal piloter med H&M och Ikea nu tagit in mer kapital och gått skarpt med flera handlare.
Retailers invest billions into designing floor plans that create a streamlined shopping experience. And still, in the midst of all this spending, there is one challenge grocery stores can’t seem to solve – long lines.